Healthy Heart Tips & Supplements
Many of us may be thinking about hearts this Valentine’s week, but at Nature's Lab this vital organ is always at the forefront of our health and wellness journey. The heart is a very important muscle that pumps blood to all parts of the body to give it oxygen and deliver nutrients in order to function properly. But what happens when the heart doesn’t function properly? According to the American Heart Association, nearly 48% of American adults are affected by some form of heart or blood vessel disease or condition. The majority of these Americans are affected by some form of high blood pressure, while many have other forms such as heart failure or clogged arteries. With these statistics on the rise, it is important to stay heart healthy. Here are some tips to incorporate into your healthy lifestyle to keep your heart, and our top 3 supplements to support heart health.*
Daily Changes to Support Heart Health
Enjoy a Variety of Nutritious Foods
Eating a varied diet of healthful fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may help support healthy weight management, blood pressure regulation and cholesterol- all of which may correlate to heart health.* Try incorporating leafy greens (kale, spinach, and collard greens), whole grains, berries, avocados, walnuts, fatty fish, beans and even the occasional dark chocolate treat for a boost of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.* Other nutrition tips include reducing salt intake and replacing unhealthy saturated fats with healthy fats.
Maintain a Healthy Mood
Stress can increase hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, negatively impacting blood pressure and heart rate, causing stress on the heart.* Other mood disorders such as anxiety or depression may affect activity levels as well as sleep and energy levels, which may cause a negative correlation to heart health.* Carve out some time to support mood health by taking time to decompress, meditate, laugh and enjoy social time. If an unhealthy mood persists reach out to a doctor, family member or someone you know well for help.
Be Physically Active
Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine to support heart health.* Aim for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of moderate exercise such as power walking or jogging. Also, pay attention to how much time you spend seated, and try to break it up. Take a 5 minute standing break at work, walk around the building on your 15 minute break, or cut down on the couch time at home.
Quit Smoking
Smoking and secondhand smoke can negatively affect heart health.* If you smoke, quit- or seek support in taking steps towards quitting- and try to reduce your time around secondhand smoke.
Take Control of Your Health
It’s important to manage health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol to support heart health.* Schedule routine wellness checks to make sure you are not affected by any of these conditions, and if you are, talk to your healthcare provider about what you can do to maintain them. Maintaining a healthy weight can also support heart health.*
Sleep a Minimum of 7 Hours Nightly
The next time you’re tempted to stay up late, remember that healthy sleep patterns can correlate to heart health.* Aim for at least 7 hours of quality sleep nightly to help reduce stress levels and support heart health.* Trouble sleeping? Try sticking to a sleep schedule, practicing a relaxing bedtime ritual and exercising regularly to support restful sleep.*
Top 3 Supplements to Support Heart Health
CoQ10 is used by the mitochondria of cells to produce energy. CoQ10 is found in the highest concentrations in cells of organs that require large amounts of energy, with the highest concentrations of CoQ10 found in the heart. CoQ10 has been heavily researched since the 1970s with respect to its role in supporting heart health and helping individuals with certain heart conditions.* CoQ10 supplementation may act as a natural aid in lowering cholesterol and supporting the health of blood vessels and coronary arteries to directly benefit heart health.*
Try Nature’s Lab CoQ10 100 mg or CoQ10 200 mg to support heart health.*
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in certain types of fish oil, vegetables, and plant sources. Omega-3s help regulate the body’s production of triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides may correlate to coronary artery disease and heart disease. Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids may support heart health, circulatory health and even cognitive health.*
Try Nature’s Lab Triple Strength Omega-3 Fish Oil
Magnesium is the second most abundant element inside human cells. An important macromineral supporting over 300 enzyme-driven bodily functions, magnesium helps support heart health, vascular health, blood pressure regulation, and other vascular functions.* Low magnesium levels can negatively impact heart health.* Low magnesium levels may increase risks of high blood pressure, arterial plaque build-up and increased cholesterol levels.* Because more than 50% of Americans are deficient in magnesium, it may be important to supplement this important mineral with dietary supplements.
Try Nature’s Lab Magnesium Glycinate