Tips for a Plastic-Free, Sustainable Lifestyle
Can we live a life without plastic? Plastic is the go-to synthetic material for manufacturing. Food storage, grocery bags, plastic utensils, beauty packaging and so much more all generally contain plastic. Not only is plastic bad for the environment (with some plastics taking 1,000 years to decompose!) and wildlife, it can also be harmful to humans. When certain plastics are heated up or worn down, they can release chemicals such as bisphenol A, vinyl chloride, styrene and phthalates.
The Nature's Lab Sustainability Commitment:
At Nature's Lab we believe in health and wellness in all aspects of life. This includes reducing the impact that plastics can have on our bodies as well as the environment. DrVita is committed to sustainable sourcing, manufacturing, labeling and packaging, utilizing How2Recycle compliant packaging when available.
Nature's Lab packages supplements in food-grade plastic and works with How2Recycle to ensure that our customers know how to recycle our plastic bottles to lessen their impact on the environment. To recycle our plastic bottles, simply remove the plastic seal, enjoy your supply of vitamins and recycle the cap and bottle when finished.
Here are some other ways we can all reduce the amount of plastic in our lives:
Say Goodbye to Plastic BagsPlastic bags are among the most common sources of marine debris. Since they don’t biodegrade, they can take thousands of years to decompose in a landfill. Additionally, they cannot be mixed with your traditional curbside recycling due to the type of plastic they are made from. Try purchasing reusable canvas bags for groceries and other shopping. Need to get rid of plastic bags at home? Take them to your grocery store for dedicated plastic bag recycling.
Say No to Plastic StrawsAnother common source of pollution, plastic straws are wreaking havoc on marine life. Try opting for bamboo or steel straw alternatives instead, and be sure to tell your waiter to hold the straw when ordering your favorite iced coffee or beverage.
Utilize Reusable Beverage ContainersDitch plastic water bottles in favor of reusable thermoses or travel mugs. Keep these containers with you wherever you go and you can also use them for your morning coffee runs in favor of plastic cups.
Give Reusable Glass Food Containers a TryGlass containers are a great alternative to storing food. In addition to being better for the environment, you can store food at any temperature without the risk of chemicals from worn or broken down plastics. They can easily replace Tupperware, plastic sandwich bags, and lunch containers. For more ways to cut down on plastic, try taking these containers with you next time you have leftovers at your favorite restaurant.
Shop Bulk and NaturalWhen at the grocery store, opt to buy unpackaged fruits and veggies, and skip the plastic produce bags for storage. The clerk can ring them up without the plastic bag and put them right in your reusable canvas tote. Also try giving bulk shopping a try for items such as flours, seeds, nuts and trail mix.
Carry Reusable UtensilsMost plastic utensils cannot be recycled. Try keeping a set of traditional or bamboo utensils and even a plate at your work desk to avoid using plastic cutlery at the office. Ordering food to go? Keep reusable utensils handy and ask the restaurant to hold the plastic.
Cut Down on Frozen FoodsPlastics cannot be recycled when they are stained by food. This makes frozen packaging difficult to recycle. Try cooking more healthy foods at home and limit the consumption of frozen convenience foods- you’ll produce less plastic and receive all the health benefits that come along with your nutritious meal.
Make Your Own Natural Cleaning SolutionsTry mixing 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water into a glass spray bottle for a natural cleaning solution free of plastic. You can also make your own soaps to store in glass bottles, too.