Produits végétaliens

Le véganisme est un mode de vie qui exclut tous les produits d'origine animale et tente de limiter autant que possible l'exploitation des animaux. Cela implique d’éliminer de l’alimentation la viande, le poisson, les produits laitiers, les œufs et les sous-produits animaux et de se concentrer sur les aliments à base de plantes. Nature's Lab fabrique une variété de suppléments végétaliens de haute qualité pour répondre à vos besoins nutritionnels et diététiques.

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Nature's Lab Vinaigre de cidre de pomme avec chrome - 120 Capsules
Enjoy the benefits of apple cider vinegar without the hassle of a liquid. Nature’s Lab Apple Cider Vinegar provides the nutrients of ACV in convenient capsule form.

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $11.04

Nature's Lab CoQ10 200 mg - 60 Gélules
Prix régulier $29.99 Prix réduit $17.99
Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant compound made naturally in the body to support heart health and circulation.*

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $29.99 Prix réduit $17.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $25.49

Nature's Lab Canneberge 5400 mg - 180 Capsules
Cranberry fruit contains a source of antioxidant compounds that help support a healthy urinary tract by supporting the integrity of the bladder walls.*
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Nature's Lab Canneberge 5400 mg - 90 Capsules
À partir de $12.99
Cranberry fruit contains a source of antioxidant compounds that help support a healthy urinary tract by supporting the integrity of the bladder walls.*

One-Time Purchase:
from $12.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $11.04

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Top Seller
Nature's Lab Supplément DHEA 50 mg - 300 Capsules
DHEA is a powerful nutrient that supports a healthy hormonal balance and helps to support cognitive function, bone formation, and libido.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $25.49

Nature's Lab Échinacée 760 mg - 100 Capsules
Prix régulier $10.99 Prix réduit $7.99
Echinacea has traditionally been used in herbal remedies to support immune system health and general wellness.*

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $10.99 Prix réduit $7.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $9.34

Nature's Lab Fenugrec 610 mg - 120 Capsules
Fenugreek is known for many wellness benefits including aiding in soothing digestion, enhancing workout endurance and recovery, and providing lactation support.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $8.49

Nature's Lab Aide au sommeil doux - 60 Capsules
A unique blend of natural ingredients, herbs and amino acids selected to promote relaxation and restful sleep.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $12.74

Nature's Lab Gingembre Suprême - 200 Capsules
À partir de $16.99
Nature's Lab Ginger Supreme combines the benefits of ginger and turmeric in one convenient supplement to support inflammation response and digestive health.*

One-Time Purchase:
from $16.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $14.44

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Nature's Lab Gold CoQ10 + Acide Alpha Lipoïque + Acétyl L-Carnitine HCl - 60 Capsules
Prix régulier $29.99 Prix réduit $26.99
Provides three key nutrients that are necessary for energy production in all cells of the body, working together to support heart and cognitive health as well as metabolism.*

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $29.99 Prix réduit $26.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $22.94

Top Seller
Nature's Lab Champignon doré 7 à 90 gélules
Contains a superior blend of seven mushroom species specifically selected to complement each other in supporting the immune system, cell function, and endurance.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $21.24

Top Seller
Nature's Lab Gold Super Vitamine C 1000 mg - 120 Capsules
Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, plays an important role in supporting your body’s tissues and systems, including skeletal, circulatory and cardiovascular health.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $15.29

Nature's Lab Extrait de curcuma doré avec curcumine C3 et BioPerine - 60 gélules
À partir de $24.99
Turmeric extract supports inflammation health, promotes joint and skin health, as well as supports immune, digestive, and liver health.*

One-Time Purchase:
from $24.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $21.24

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Nature's Lab Gold Complexe à base de plantes pour tout le corps - 120 Capsules
Nature's Lab Baies d'aubépine - 300 Capsules
Prix régulier $29.99 Prix réduit $14.99

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $29.99 Prix réduit $14.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $25.49

Nature's Lab Iron Plus Comprimés à fusion rapide de vitamine C - 120 comprimés
A daily iron supplement formulated with a jolt of vitamin C to help your body more readily absorb this essential mineral.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $14.44

Nature's Lab KSM-66® Extrait d'Ashwagandha - 120 Capsules
Ashwagandha is considered an adaptogen herb due to its ability to help the body adapt to outside stress.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $13.59

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Nature's Lab Magnésium Apaiser - 16,9 oz
À partir de $29.99
A delicious and refreshing raspberry lemon flavor dietary supplement mix that can help you maintain and benefit from healthy magnesium levels.*

One-Time Purchase:
from $29.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $25.49

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Nature's Lab Poudre de racine d'Ashwagandha biologique – Sac de 0,5 kg
Support your body’s response to stress with Nature’s Lab Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder. This powerful adaptogenic herb helps your body weather the ups and downs of stress.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $15.29

Nature's Lab Fer parfait 25 mg - 180 gélules
Nature's Lab Perfect Iron helps regulate iron levels to support healthy energy levels and red blood cell health.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $14.44

Nature's Lab Formule Prostate - 180 Capsules
Prix régulier $24.99 Prix réduit $14.99
This formula may support prostate and bladder health, promote healthy antioxidant levels, and boost the immune system.*

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $24.99 Prix réduit $14.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $21.24

Nature's Lab Quercétine Bromélaïne - 120 Capsules
Quercetin and Bromelain work together to support immunity, block the root causes of inflammation, and block histamine production to fight allergens.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $21.24

Nature's Lab Resvératrol Ultra - 90 Capsules
A powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and supports cognition and brain health.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $28.04

Nature's Lab Support super antioxydant - 120 gélules
Prix régulier $19.99 Prix réduit $17.99
Enjoy the rainbow of benefits found in fruit with Nature’s Lab Super Antioxidant Support. This formula provides antioxidant plant phenolic compounds from a variety of fruit sources including acai berry and goji fruit to support heart health, circulation and antioxidant levels.

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $19.99 Prix réduit $17.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $16.99

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Nature's Lab Super Chardon - 120 Capsules
À partir de $22.99
This unique formula helps support natural detox functions and liver function including bile production, secretion and release in the body.*

One-Time Purchase:
from $22.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $19.54

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Nature's Lab Tarte Cerise 500 mg - 180 Capsules
The anthocyanins in tart cherry fight inflammation and may support faster muscle recovery.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $29.74

Nature's Lab Extrait de curcuma avec curcumine C3 et BioPerine - 120 Capsules
Prix régulier $39.99 Prix réduit $29.99
The curcuminoids in turmeric support positive mood, memory and other factors related to brain health.*

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $39.99 Prix réduit $29.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $25.49

Nature's Lab Poudre de racine de curcuma - Sac de 1 lb

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $11.04

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Nature's Lab Racine de Valériane 500 mg - 200 Capsules
Valerian root is native to Europe and parts of Asia and has traditionally been used to treat insomnia and may give you restful sleep.*

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $13.59

Nature's Lab Vitamine C 1 000 mg - 120 gélules
Prix régulier $13.99 Prix réduit $8.99
Vitamin C is required for many biological processes, but it is best known for its important role in supporting immune system health.*
Nature's Lab Vitex Berry 500 mg - 90 gélules
Prix régulier $14.99 Prix réduit $8.99
Vitex berry promotes the balance of hormones and contributes to a positive mood. This formula is standardized to 5% flavones; Vitex berry flavones have antioxidant properties that benefit the entire body.*
Nature's Lab Contrôle de la vessie pour femmes - 300 Capsules
Prix régulier $19.99 Prix réduit $12.99
Support a weak bladder with the healthy botanicals found in Nature’s Lab Women’s Bladder Control.*
Nature's Lab Picolinate de zinc 50 mg - 100 gélules
Prix régulier $13.99 Prix réduit $7.99
Zinc helps support healthy metabolism, digestion, and nerve function.* Additionally, zinc is important to immune system health.*

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $13.99 Prix réduit $7.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $11.89

Nature's Lab Soutien au sommeil - 120 Capsules
Prix régulier $18.99 Prix réduit $11.99
A mid-level sleep support supplement with serotonin precursors L-Theanine and 5-HTP plus 3mg melatonin.*

One-Time Purchase:
Prix régulier $18.99 Prix réduit $11.99

Subscribe & Save 15% $10.19

Nature's Lab Cannelle de Ceylan 1 200 mg - 120 Capsules
À partir de $15.99
Nature’s Lab Ceylon Cinnamon harnesses the benefits of Cinnamomum verum, also known as True Cinnamon, in a convenient two-capsule serving to promote antioxidant health, metabolic wellness and more.*
Nature's Lab Gold Vital Bones - 90 Capsules
À partir de $17.99
Nature's Lab Nattokinase 2 000 FU - 90 Capsules
Prix régulier $14.99 Prix réduit $11.99
Nature’s Lab Nattokinase 2,000 FU supports heart health and promotes healthy blood circulation.* The formula is derived from fermented soybeans called Japanese Natto. The fermentation process releases the unique enzyme Nattokinase which may be effective in promoting healthy circulation throughout the body which supports the energy of the heart and overall cardiovascular health.*
Nature's Lab Gold Blood Sugar Support - 120 Capsules
Nature’s Lab Gold Blood Sugar Support provides a blend of key nutrients to maintain blood sugar levels and healthy glucose.* 100 mcg of ChromeMate chromium is included as an essential mineral to help insulin in the body regulate blood sugar levels.

One-Time Purchase:

Subscribe & Save 15% $21.24

Nature's Lab Gold Berbevis® Berberine Phytosome™ Extract - 60 Capsules
Nature’s Lab Gold Berbevis® Berberine Phytosome™ Extract helps support healthy blood sugar and metabolic function.* This clinically proven formula combines a raw berberine extract with Phytosome™ technology to enhance delivery by mimicking the structure of cell membranes, making for a more bioavailable Phytosome™.*

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Subscribe & Save 15% $25.49