Read Our Blog
For many of us, social distancing may leave us largely stuck in the house or apartment. Here are 20 healthy ideas for fun activities to incorporate into your daily routine while social distancing to help keep minds and bodies healthy and active.
Iron is an essential mineral, or one that the body needs to perform functions necessary to thrive.* Read our blog to discover the importance of iron in the body and how you can supplement this important trace mineral.*
Medications can interact with the body’s biological functions in a variety of ways. This blog takes a look at how various pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, over-the-counter pain relievers and long-term prescriptions can affect various nutrients.*
There is a lot of terminology surrounding essential oils. This saturation of terms can make it difficult to select high quality essential oils at an affordable price. So, what makes for a pure, essential oil worth purchasing? Read our blog to find out.
The heart is a very important muscle that pumps blood to all parts of the body to give it oxygen and deliver nutrients in order to function properly. This blog discusses tips and supplements you can incorporate into your healthy lifestyle to stay heart-healthy.*
Plastic is the go-to synthetic material for manufacturing. Learn about Nature's Lab's sustainability commitment and check out these tips to transition to a plastic-free, sustainable lifestyle.
A superfood is a food that is rich in compounds considered beneficial to a person’s health and wellness. Read our blog to find out our favorite superfoods.
Happy Thanksgiving! This article takes a look at simple ways to stay healthful and mindful on this day of feasting- without giving up all the great food!