Allergy sufferers, you'll want to read this...
More than 26 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies (or the estimated 50 million who suffer from all types of allergies) will find this article very helpful.
Allergens are extremely difficult to avoid during the summer months with pollen everywhere. Allergies are caused by an exaggerated immune response to certain compounds. Both genetic and environmental factors play a role in this over sensitive immune response that causes itching, swelling skin irritation/rashes, coughing, runny noses and muscle spasms. Pollen is a very common cause of allergic reactions but other agents can trigger these processes as well. Mold spores, dust, airborne contaminants, dust mites, pet dander, cockroaches, environmental chemicals, cleaning products, personal care products and foods can all cause allergic reactions.
Vitamin CVitamin C can be considered one of nature’s great wonders. A natural antihistamine, Vitamin C works by destroying the molecular structure of histamine, thereby decreasing the amount of histamine in the blood.
Research published in the European Respiratory Journal (2010) found that ingesting fruits high in Vitamin C helped to support healthy lung function in 8 year olds. Research by Kompauer et al (2007) also found evidence to support the role of Vitamin C supplementation in adults with allergy.
The absorption of Vitamin C is highly dependent on the amount ingested therefore it is recommended that 500 mg per day taken via supplementation to achieve tissue saturation. Nature's Lab has an amazing Six Daily Multivitamin that contains 500mg of Vitamin C. Capsules are far superior to rock hard tablets, they absorb faster and better plus are all natural without the chemicals and coatings/binders found in most tablets.
Increase your intake of fish oil omega-3 fats
The importance of consuming sufficient amounts of high-quality triple strength molecularly distilled fish oil omega-3 fats providing EPA & DHA is critical. The fats DHA and EPA found in fish oil and krill oil support healthy inflammatory response.
A German study published in the journal Allergy found people who have diets rich in of omega-3 fatty acids have fewer allergy symptoms. A second study in Sweden found that children who regularly ate fish prior to age one had much lower allergies by age four. Typical krill and fish oil has too little EPA & DHA, in fact a recent study on fish oil showed no benefits at only 300 mg of EPA & DHA per day. Nature's Lab Triple Strength Fish Oil has 650 mg of EPA & DHA per day and I recommend two per day, most studies showing benefit utilized 1,000 – 2,000 mg per day of active EPA & DHA versus the worthless 300 mg in a typical fish oil softgel or under 100 mg in typical Krill softgel.
Nature's Lab Triple Strength Omega 3
- Kompauer,I., Heinrich, J., Wolfram, G., & Linseisen, J. (2007). Association of carotenoids, tocopherols and vitamin C in plasma with allergic rhinitis and allergic sensitisation inadults. Public Health Nutrition 9 (4) 472-479.
- Willers,S. M., Wijga, A. H., Brunekreef, B., Scholtens, S. (2010). Childhood diet and asthma and atopy at 8 years of age: the PIAMA birth cohort study. European Respiratory Journal, 37 (5) 1060-1067.
- Fish consumption during the first year of life and development of allergic diseases during childhood
- http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1398-9995.2006.01115.x/full