Healthy Halloween Tips & Ideas
Happy Halloween! We love this fun holiday filled with spooky festivities, costumes, trick-or-treating and quality family time. Halloween also means sweets- and lots of them! As much as we may be excited for the overload of chocolate, candy, and endless sweets, it’s also important to have a plan. Here are some tips for a healthier Halloween for you and your little ones.
Make Healthy Substitutions

Save on calories and increase the nutritional value in food by making a few simple modifications. Though Halloween candy is fine in moderation, try decorating fruits and vegetables for your family to enjoy throughout the holiday as your Halloween staple. This is also a great idea for trick-or-treaters, too! Tip: decorate mandarin oranges for a healthy spin on a spooky jack-o-lantern and pass them out to trick-or-treaters.
Eat Before You Trick-or-Treat
If you’re spending an evening trick-or-treating with your loved ones, try filling up on a healthy, balanced meal before you go out. Veggies, lean protein, fiber and whole grains will help keep you satiated and full so you don’t reach for candy throughout the night.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Pre-Halloween candy can be tempting. While awaiting your frightful guests on Halloween, stow goodies in your pantry or out of plain sight to avoid snacking, and hold off on opening them until your trick-or-treaters arrive.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated can help control sweet cravings. Drink water after finishing a candy treat to avoid further sugar cravings. Moderation is key.
Take Some Time for Yourself
With the onset of cold and flu season just around the corner, it’s easy to feel less-than-energetic. Take some time for yourself- rest, drink plenty of water, and take immune-supporting vitamins to arm yourself against potential colds, flus and other spooky ailments that may lurk in the shadows.
Close the Nutrient Gap

For those times we simply can’t resist the candy, it’s important to remember that we’re all human. Small indulgences here and there are fine every now and then. If you feel like you’re lacking in the nutrition department, try taking supplements such as Nature’s Lab One Daily or Nature’s Lab Six Daily to help support general wellness.*